Female Foeticide
Female Foeticide Female foeticide is the aborting of a girl fetus in the womb before its complete growth. Why? This is because that it is female? Female foeticide has become a disgraceful and shocking truth of our nation. In India a strong fondness for sons over daughter. People desire smaller families with comparatively greater sons by abuse medical technologies. It is one of the main motives for declining sex ratio. What is Female Foeticide? Female foeticide is the procedure of abortion to terminate female fetus from the womb of the mother before taking birth after the sex recognition tests like an ultrasound scan. Female foeticide and even any sex recognition test is illegal in India. It is the shame for the parents who are despairing for a baby boy as well as doctors doing abortions especially for this. Causes of Female Foeticide: Female foeticide has been in practice for periods especially for the families who have a preference only male child. Several religious, social, fin...